I grew up on Maui, privileged to have spent my upbringing on such a beautiful island rich with cultural diversity.  My parents are from Arizona, which I consider my second home. When I was 14 years old we trekked out to Mexico from Phoenix to meet Mormon cousins living in Colonial Juarez.  I was recently given a point and shoot camera and went absolutely crazy with it, documenting everything from the landscape, the people, to a dead cow on the side of road that I made the car stop for.  I discovered how rewarding it is to explore and better understand your surroundings through photography.

In school, I was trained primarily in photojournalism.  Thinking quickly to make great images despite less than ideal situations at times was an indispensable skill I honed.  I loved being a “stringer” for local publications, even though my naturally introverted personality was constantly being challenged.  I had experiences that never would have occurred if it wasn’t for being a photojournalism student - from witnessing highly emotional worship in a Baptist church, learning the art of taxidermy, to riding around with paramedics.

I took as many classes as I could that were also outside of the journalism scope, feeding into my more creative side with food, fashion, nature, even underwater courses.  In the end, I had immersed myself in nearly every aspect of photography and developed a style unique to myself. 

I currently reside in Boulder, Colorado.



